Grace Centers of Hope
Grace Centers of Hope is Oakland County's oldest and largest homeless shelter providing hope and help since 1942. Today, Grace Centers of Hope is considered one of the leading faith-based organizations in Southeastern Michigan daily confronting issues of homelessness, addiction, poverty and spiritual emptiness. On any given night, Grace Centers of Hope will accommodate between 150-200 men, women and children. Each year we serve over 127,000 meals and provide over 55,000 nights of stay. Our multimillion dollar budget is supported exclusively through private support; we receive no government dollars.
Grace Centers of Hope
35 E Huron St
Pontiac MI 48342
Tel: 248 334-2187
Fax: 248 334-7939
Grace Centers of Hope (formerly the Pontiac Rescue Mission) was established in 1942. It has since grown and evolved into the largest and oldest faith-based outreach to homeless and disadvantaged individuals and families. Grace Centers of Hope (GCH) provides a full recovery and rehabilitation campus for homeless men, women and children who have been abused or addicted to drugs and/or alcohol.
Our Philosophy
Change begins when we, as a community, extend helping hands. We do not believe the homelessness and substance abuse addictions can be solved simply by throwing dollars at the problem. We believe that change occurs from the inside out. Consequently our faith-based organization is dedicated to recovery through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and supported through our challenging life skills programs.
Our Mission Statement
Grace Centers of Hope is a non-profit Christian organization committed to positively changing the lives of the homeless, addicted and unwanted through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, personal accountability, life skills education and work-related programs. The foundation of change is the local church which encourages residents to become strong in faith and independence while it lovingly promotes a sense of belonging within a community that truly can be called “homeâ€.
Our Vision
We envision GCH as a committed community of believers, reaching out to those individuals whose lives have been damaged by addiction and self-destructive behavior. Our recovery programs will lead these individuals to reconciliation and restoration to God, their families, their community and to themselves. GCH will teach, train and discipline our residents. Through love and accountability, GCH will help residents refocus their lives as productive members of society. By introducing our residents to the eternal claims of the Gospel, we envision change from the inside out. Through a self-contained community including residential dorms, single family homes and well-run GCH-owned business, all centered on Grace Gospel Fellowship Church, we hope to provide hope, jobs and stability for many years to come for each of our residents.
* Restoring Lives & Families
* The Gospel
* Time, Talent and Treasure Partners
* Creating Community
* Integrity
Recovery/Rehabilitation Service
* Full Service Cafeteria
* Children’s Home
* Biblical Counseling
* On-site Child Care
* Medical and Dental Assistance
* Recreation/Physical Fitness
* Residential Men & Women’s Dorms
* Aftercare Program and Residential Housing
* Life Skills Training
* Health and Wellness Classes
* Vocational Training/Job Opportunities
* Education/GED Preparation/College Opportunities